1.#Opinion: Friday 28, February 2025, 09:00. 3849./ 2. ## PM NEWS UPDATES: Opening Address by PM at the Plenary Session with the President of the European Commission (February 28, 2025): 28 Feb, 2025. // 3.###Leaders’ Statement: Visit of Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and EU College of Commissioners to India (February 27-28, 2025): 28 Feb, 2025, /// 4.####Joint Statement: Second Meeting of the India-EU Trade and Technology Council, New Delhi: 28 Feb, 2025. ////

PM meets the President of the European Commission, Ms. Ursula Von Der Leyen at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on February 28, 2025. =================================================================================== 1.#Opinion: Friday 28, February 2025, 09:00. 3849./ 2. ## PM NEWS UPDATES: Opening Address by PM at the Plenary Session with the President of the European Commission (February 28, 2025): 28 Feb, 2025. // =================================================================================== Your Excellencies, I warmly welcome you all to India. The engagement of the EU College of Commissioners with a single country on such a broad scale is unprecedented. It’s the first time that so many of my ministers have collected together for any bilateral discussions. I remember how you said that India and the EU are natural partners at the Raisina Dialogue in 2022. And that strengthening and energizing ties with India, will be a priority for the EU in the coming decade. And now, ...