1.#OPINION :Monday, September 20, 2021. 7:00 PM. 2517. 1.#Taliban Government: The Most Wanted Cabinet and New Cold-War : Sep 18, 2021 : Nirendra Dev : Organiser : Media Report. + More..


1.#OPINION :Monday, September 20, 2021. 7:00 PM. 2517.

1.#Taliban Government: The Most Wanted Cabinet and New Cold-War : Sep 18, 2021 : Nirendra Dev : Organiser : Media Report. 

Taliban Government: The Most Wanted Cabinet and New Cold-War

"The 'Most-Wanted' cabinet of Taliban has added new dimensions to the unfolding New Cold-War between the US and China "



Declaring the country an “Islamic Emirate”, the Taliban recently announced an interim government in war-ravaged Afghanistan. Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, one of the movement's founders, will lead the new regime. 

Besides the obvious imprint of the Pakistan supported Haqqani Terror Network and blatant display of Jihadi mindset by incorporating seventeen globally wanted terrorists, omission of the Ministry of Women from the new government and replacing it with the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. This is the most striking feature, which many have ignored. 

*The Most Wanted Cabinet :

“We know the people of our country have been waiting for a new government," spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said at a well-attended press conference. 

Even before the withdrawal of United States (US) forces, the Taliban seized control of most of the country for about three weeks now, having ousted the elected leadership under President Ashraf Ghani, who had fled the country.

Deputy Prime Minister will be  Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who perhaps missed the 'leadership' because of Pakistani interference. Mohammed Omar, the first leader of the Taliban, had nicknamed him 'Baradar', which means ‘brother’. He held senior positions in the Taliban during their rule from 1996 to 2001. After the Taliban Government fell to the US-led invasion in 2001, Baradar rose to lead the organisation's Quetta Shura in Pakistan. He was imprisoned by Pakistan in 2010, allegedly because he had been discussing a peace deal with the Afghan government secretly, without the involvement of Pakistan. He was released in 2018 at the request of the United States. 

The new Interior minister for Afghanistan will be FBI-wanted leader Sirajuddin Haqqani of the Haqqani network. This group is affiliated with the Taliban, and Sirajuddin is also described as the 'deputy leader' of the Taliban.

The US has designated the Haqqani network a foreign terrorist organisation. Sirajuddin Haqqani is 'wanted' by US agencies for questioning in connection with the January 2008 attack on a hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed six people. 

"He is believed to have coordinated and participated in cross-border attacks against United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan. Haqqani was allegedly involved in the planning of the assassination attempt on Afghan President Hamid Karzai in 2008," an FBI note says.

**Setback for the US :

Experts believe that the nomination of FBI wanted criminal Sirajuddin Haqqani, as the Interior Minister of the caretaker, the government of Afghanistan is a 'tight slap' in the face of the US.

Seth G Jones, a senior vice-president of a Washington-based think tank, has said that the new Afghan Interior Minister is the leader of the proscribed Haqqani network and has been on the FBI wanted list for a long time Sputnik reported.

“Haqqani was well known to the US military and intelligence community, he escaped several attempts to target him. He is a wily and dangerous enemy with American blood on his hands,” Jones claimed.

The developments came when the US is remembering the 9/11 attack on the twin towers that killed thousands  of Americans.

According to the database, the man is believed to have coordinated and participated in cross-border attacks against US and coalition forces in Afghanistan, Author Jones said in the Wall Street Journal.

Sirajuddin Haqqani became wanted by the FBI after the January 2008 attack on a hotel in Kabul that killed six people, including an American citizen.

The Taliban appointed several hardliners in its new government who oversaw the 20-year fight against the US-led military coalition.

The United States is now getting the taste of an increasing blow-back for pursuing bad policies over decades, perhaps at the global stage for American leadership, it all started about three decades back.

***The US  troops withdrawal from Afghanistan  proves that it is no longer the real  leader of the free world 


***Beginning of the American Decline? : 

Joe Biden was perhaps never interested in being called a global leader who oversaw nation-building in Afghanistan. Biden has only played his role as a 'good American President. Time will judge this! Now, look at how the United States has lost global respect.

In March 2020, a tiny country, Norway, asked students of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology to return home and counselled: “This applies especially if you are staying in a country with poorly developed health services and infrastructure, for example, the USA.”

It did not have faith in Americans; it did not bother that it was playing with the reputation of a superpower. 

Thus, the ‘decline’ in the US position globally as a world leader started long before the Taliban' win' in Afghanistan in August 2021.

This also shows in today's world, you cannot be a superpower simply because of military strength.

The Afghanistan debacle has done extreme damage to drive home the point that it is high time for the international community to understand that enough is enough. The US is perhaps no longer the real 'leader' of the 'free world' unlike the past.

****Misjudged its Role :

Perhaps at the global stage for American leadership, it all started about three decades back. The US leadership had misjudged the role of a ‘global leader’ or a ‘superpower’, especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

In the name of promoting democracy and so-called nation-building, they promoted wars, frightful sanctions and pushed some countries to face its bullying tactics. 

One remembers the days when Bill Clinton got embroiled in his running rows over Monica Lewinsky. There came a time when Russian Duma (Parliament) in December 1998 considered a motion appealing to Lewinsky to help halt the American attack on Iraq. Russian lawmaker Alexander Filatov had moved a motion: “The Duma appeals to Ms Lewinsky to undertake corresponding measures to restrain the emotions of Bill Clinton.”

To cut a long story short, the whims and fancies of leadership and US Presidents often decided  the global fate.

Biden worked as Vice-President under Barack Obama, and the duo created conditions that brought miseries to numerous nations, especially across North Africa and the West Asia.

However, in 2021 as President of the US, he might have followed an incorrect road map, but the real goal was never off-the-target.

The war in Afghanistan was frankly not going anywhere, and thus Joe Biden has acted decisively in ‘halting’ that so-called war.

Biden and his administration have pushed the line that Afghanistan's nation building' was not its real job. Hence, Washington’s actions were guided by its sole purpose, the ‘national interest’. This school of thought believes so-called ego and prestige issues are not necessarily 'national interest'.

Moreover, the 'Biden blunder' notion might be mostly seen from the prism of Asian players and countries such as Russia. For Biden, what bothered is 'quick withdrawal' as it could save huge investments and precious American lives.

The US lost 2,461 service members, including 13 at the Kabul airport. It also spent more than two trillion dollars on warfare that seemed never heading towards an end and dragged on.

****By saving these monies, Biden has done a long term service  to his nation.


Biden has only played his role as the US President; —maybe his name would never go in the annals of history as a 'reformist global leader' who built up a nation called Afghanistan.

Biden was perhaps never interested. But yes, an issue remains; it was never moralistic to abandon Afghanistan the way they did. But here too, Biden acted as a 'good President' and not necessarily a moralist. As the commander-in-chief, he has extricated his military from a never-ending conflict. Mission achieved. 

Most of these countries — Russia, Iran and China—were needling the US and wanted American forces to withdraw, but now that this has happened, all these countries will be worried a lot. Biden knows the world has changed in the last 20 years. Perhaps the challenges from Russia and China are immense and growing.

There is also a latent big-picture Asian optimism that five centuries-long upsurges (syn..) of Western power, colonialism and imperialism would be dying fast, making way for Russia, India and China.

After the collapse of Soviet Union, Paul Kennedy had drawn the conclusion about the ‘Imperial overstretch’ being the main reason for decline of superpowers.  Is intervention in Afghanistan and a disastrous pull out proving  to be the same imperial  overstretch to the contemporary hyper-power USA? 



2.##Beware of USA & European Union + many Breaking India forces (including Evangelists) very active in damaging our holy Nation.

2.##Universal Hindutva: Their Villains are Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Not Just Savarkar or Sangh : Sep 11, 2021 : P Parameswaran : Organiser ; Media Report.

##Universal Hindutva: Their Villains are Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Not Just Savarkar or SanghSwami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo

"."After Savarkar and Sangh, it is Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo who are going to come under attack. At the moment Hinduphobic groups are softening the field and preparing the ground 


Though the gun is apparently pointed at the Sangh, the real enemies targeted are totally different. They are the people whom you would not suspect even in your dream. On the other hand, they are such whom you would hold in the highest respect, whom you would actually adore, whom you consider as the ones but for whom we would not have been what we are today. They are the actual builders of our nation, architects of our freedom. It is such venerables who are ultimately sought to be gunned down  as villains.

The ground has to be prepared. Necessary smoke-screens have to be created. The present hue and cry against Hindutva in general, and the Sangh, and Savarkar in particular, is a preparatory step to achieve the final goal which is not yet fully revealed or spelt out. The Sangh had been damned for quite a while ever since Gandhiji was murdered by Godse, even though there is no justification or a shred of evidence. On the other hand, there are plenty of issues to the contrary. The judicial verdict is unambiguous; still, venomous propaganda never ceases. But the votaries of truth and non-violence, and also undiluted secularism carry on the campaign of hatred and falsehood religiously, because the objective is politics of power, and for that, no holds are barred. After the Sangh, it is Savarkar now. Upstart politicians, born with silver spoons in their mouths, vilify Savarkar for betraying the freedom struggle as a time-server and for being British stooge, as the advocate of two-nation theory. They equate him with Jinnah. The heroic struggle and the lifelong idealism of Veer Savarkar are absolutely non-existent in their reckoning. He has to be condemned without trial and vilified to no end because that would get them votes of those who have never considered India as their motherland, who have demanded vivisection of Mother India and got it at gun-point and for those who had sided with the British against our freedom fighters only to strengthen Soviet Union, their only fatherland, the vivification of Savarkar has become a handy tool to bring together all the anti-Indian and anti-national forces. So why worry about truth, when falsehood can bring you a few seeds and a couple of ministerial berths? So let Savarkar be damned, along with the Sangh. But, if that was all that these mean-minded, power-hungry politicians aimed at, we could afford to pitifully loathe them. But no. Their game is deeper. They are out to denigrate and destroy the very best among our national heroes and the fundamental values and principles they stood for, and suffered and sacrificed all; even their lives.

Every time the mildness of the Hindus has given way. The best solution would be to allow the Hindus to organise themselves and the Hindu-Muslim unity would take care of itself. It will automatically solve  the problem.

The onslaught on Savarkar and Sangh is only the thin end of the wedge. Their ultimate objective is to  ridicule the hallowed memories of Swami Vivekananda, Dayananda Saraswati and Mahayog iAurobindo! Sounds incredible? Please listen to the latest crusader of secularism, the sworn enemy of Hindutva and dearest darling of progressive journalism, Jyotirmaya Sharma, whose new and startling discoveries are a daily source of nourishment to the anti-Hindu brigade all over. In the recently published book “Hindutva”, Sharma writes: "The only way to confront Hindutva and its demonic agenda is to question the legitimacy and call the bluff of a set of self-appointed arbiters of faith. Who are these self-appointed arbiters? Dayananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Savarkar.” The book “Hindutva” was written by Sharma with the sole objective of exposing these four personalities and to prove that it is from the terrible and tortured vision of these four that the Hindutva in its present demonic form emerged. He writes that if Savarkar"s exposition of Hindutva is the most radical, the most extreme, and certainly the most militant, it is only because his universe of ideas and its milieu was nourished by predecessors like Dayananda, Vivekananda and Aurobindo. So the original sin of all the later calamities is to be trusted on the shoulders of these three exponents of Indian culture who are almost universally acknowledged as the inspirers and harbingers of India’s freedom. Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo have come in for the most vitriolic attack. He accuses Swami Vivekananda of giving legitimacy for the "eye for an eye", "tooth for a tooth" principle and of going beyond the conventionally prescribed dose of retaliation because Swamiji preached: If one gets a blow, one must return it with redoubled fury. Then only one is a man. The coward is an object to be pitied. The charge is against Swamiji"s Herculean efforts to awaken an enslaved, down-trodden and docile people into a proud and self-respecting nation. It was Swamiji"s clarion call that awakened the nation and aroused its youth to fight for the country’s freedom. He taught them the elementary lessons of patriotism. 

The judicial verdict is unambiguous, but the venomous propaganda never ceases. Gandhiji had said after reading Vivekananda"s work, "My love for the country become a thousand-fold," and Tagore said, "If you want to study India, study Vivekananda. In him everything is positive and nothing negative". 

Savarkar is accused of propagating the two-nation theory, which he actually did not. Savarkar was an advocate of undivided Hinduism in which Muslims as a minority would have rights proportionate to their numbers. But I wonder why Dr Ambedkar who wrote a whole volume, finally concluded with the remarks: "I hold that if the Mussalmans will not yield on the issue of Pakistan, then Pakistan must come." Dr Ambedkar not only favoured Pakistan, but with cold logic argued for the transfer of all Muslims to Pakistan and Hindus to India. Our secular intellectuals are adept in hushing up inconvenient facts and raking up half-truths or untruths which they can exploit cleverly. We must be really thankful to these intellectual terrorists for unwittingly letting the cat out of the bag! After Savarkar and Sangh, it is Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo who are going to come under attack. At the moment they are softening the field and preparing the ground. Let us wait and see.

(Courtesy: Heart Beats of Hindu Nation Vol-2, published by Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust) 



3.### Beware of  few Sikhs living outside India are the Breaking India Forces (one  such is joker cm dreamer lunetic siddu) 

3.###Sikhism- Indo-Vedic or Islamic? : Sep 14, 2021 : Dr Boonda Singh : Organiser : Media Report.



There has been a constant move by some splinter Sikh groups living outside India that Sikhism is closer to Islam than it is to Hinduism. Few eminent Sikhs have also mentioned that Sikhs are culturally closer to Muslims. 

Veteran muslims who have witnessed the era of partition of India in 1947 have claimed that Muhammad Ali Jinnah was in favour of a combined Punjab where Sikhs were invited to remain back in Pakistan, but Hindus were asked to leave, so that Pakistan would have complete Punjab, and the offer was to also to have an alternate Muslim and Sikh Prime Minister every year.

I am not sure how accurate that information is, and more importantly how genuine and sincere the proposition was to have a Sikh and Muslim bonhomie and annual sharing of political power by Mr Jinnah. Because the systematic mapping of non Muslims in Rawalpindi followed by their targeted massacre was planned several months before August 47, a process similar to the genocide of Jews.

Although it is an undeniable fact that Sikhism rose as a buffer between Hindu and Muslims as was envisaged by Guru Nanak, but it wasn’t a replacement of Hinduism either.

The Sikhism was created to keep core concepts of Hinduism intact but allow a reform in the ritualistic practices, and there was influence of the Bhakti movement as well as of Sufism. 

Sikhism in its current form has its core value as a written compilation of Gurbani which was giving Guru Granth Sahib eternal Gurudom, but the intent was to permanently embed the teachings and not allow dilution or adulteration of any kind. One of the major differences between Quran/Bible/Torah versus Guru Granth Sahib is that the former were revelation based religion where the author themselves were not Moses, Christ or Muhammad. Those were compiled by followers and captured to the best of their ability. Which is why there are various versions of Hadiths and Bible. However, Guru Granth Sahib was directly written by the Guru himself, and not by disciples.  And the reason behind this was that the Guru wanted the intended teachings to be delivered from the source itself without a risk of dilution or unintended bias. 

If we look at the core teachings of Guru Granth Sahib, it teaches about experiencing Naam, or Shabad, which is the eternal name and essence of Timeless Infinity. And the teachings advice that it will be easy to obtain that Naam, or Divine Enlightenment through a Guru. Guru Gobind Singh ji passed on the permanent Gurudom to the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

The concept of an interceptor Guru is a core and fundamental concept of Hinduism as well, and has been passed on from ages. It is called ‘Diksha’. This is not the case with Islam. The last Prophet was Muhammad sahib, and Holy Quran is not a living Guru. Guru Granth Sahib is a living Guru. 

The entire history of ancient Hinduism is replete with the story of Gurukuls and the various Rishi/Muni were the Guru who taught students. The word Sikh means disciple- as a learner- for ‘Seekhna’. In fact, what the Sikh Gurus had done was similar to the Gurukul method of teaching, but brought this into the mainstream populace. And more importantly the Guruji brought a social reform to eliminate the injustices due to divisions in the name of casteism, and other prevailing social evils of that time. The famous argument made by some Sikhs that Guru Nanak rejected Hinduism when he rejected to wear a ‘Janeu’ is incorrectly interpreted. He refused the Janeu as a ritual but propagated that the actual Janeu should be like a permanent sacred thread for the soul which guides one permanently for having control over ones evil vices and guides towards liberation. With death, the thread will get destroyed by the body, but the eternal thread of Janeu will not wither away. 

Likewise, there is a mention of prohibition of idol worship in Sikhism, but this has also been misinterpreted. The concept was to bring out a realisation that the essence of divine was to be instilled into a point of worship as otherwise the prayer to the infinite Almighty got limited to worshipping a piece of stone unless one had done the conscious effort to remember the Divine during idol worship. The Guru realised that the idol worship at that time had become a mere lip service where the connection was simply from a human to a piece of earth, but with a big disconnect of the religious feelings towards the Infinite through that idol. Therefore the Guru was not against the idol, but against the superficial and ritual practice that it had become in the absence of the Divine connection whilst idol worship.

This is what has been stressed by Guru ji as well as Sant Kabir in Guru Granth Sahib.

However, some Sikh scholars have wrongly interpreted this and misconstrued the teachings and intentions of Sikh Gurus to create a Hindu Sikh divide.

Hinduism is very vast, and not about Brahmins or idol worship alone. Brahmins are less than 5% of Hindus. The voice of reform against the social vices prevalent in Hindu society was also raised by Hindu reformers as well such as Raja Ram Mohun Roy, who started the Brahmo Samaj which was also supported by Swami Vivekanand. Initially Swamy Vivekanand was not a big proponent of idol worship. The actual concept of idol worship to connect with divine was taught to Narendra Nath Dutta by his Guru Swamy Rama Krishna Paramhansa who being an enlightened Guru was able to give Narendra the experience of God. Rama Krishna Paramhansa himself used to have vision of divine Shakti- Maa Kaali, during worship of her idol. In the presence of his Guru, Narendra was able to have a similar experience, and thus, Narendra Nath Dutta understood the essence of linking divinity to idol, and became Swamy Vivekanand, and gloriously upheld the valued treasures of Vedanta before the world.

Later, Arya Samaj movement was started by a group of Hindus themselves under Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati. This group advocated monotheism, rejected idol worship- but still they remained Hindus. The initial Satyartha Prakash written by Dayanand Saraswati did not mention any great opinion about Sikhism either, but after he visited Punjab, he had a change of heart, and the criticism written against Sikhism were removed by him. Unfortunately, on a trip to Rajasthan, Dayanand Saraswati was poisoned to death by a Muslim cook as a retribution for him having written against Islam. Dayanand forgave the assassin before his death, but his modifications in Satyarth Prakash to remove criticisms against Sikhism were not incorporated by successors. This was more of a political and ignorant issue, and an unfortunate happening that created a wedge between the Sikhs and the Arya Samajis, and was one major factor that led to the debacle of 1984 and the Punjab turmoil. The Arya Samajis opposed the Punjabi Suba movement. Sikhism was also borne out of a religious reform, just as they were, but perhaps the Arya Samajis were not in favour of the Khalsa, which was created by Guru Gobind Singh. They did not realise that this concept of Saint- Warrior by Guru Gobind Singh was a resurrected ancient Hinduism itself as was done by Parshuram, by Ram or by Krishna. As mentioned in hukamnana by Guru Gobind Singh- when all peaceful means to destroy evil fail, then it if justified to raise the sword.

It is sad that this philosophy of the 10th Guru was not appreciated by the Arya Samajis in Punjab. But a coin always has 2 sides. Some Hindus and Arya Samajis had opinions that mainstream Sikhs tried to impose their staunch Sikh beliefs in Punjab and that threatened the belief system of Hindus in Punjab during the Punjabi suba movement, and as a result, all Hindus opposed the Punjabi Suba movement at that time out of fear for dilution of their ideology and domination by Sikhs. However a review of the Anandpur resolution never suggested any sinister intent by Sikhs and this can be verified as it was and is a document in public domain. Therefore an unnecessary fear and division was created between Arya Samajis and Sikhs in Punjab. The small RSS group in Punjab also sided with the Arya Samajis to oppose the Punjabi Suba movement, which was never a Khalistan movement. Over a period of time, the entire Arya Samajis became synonymous as RSS for the Sikhs world wide. And over a period of time, all Hindus became synoymous as Brahmins and RSS for the worldwide Sikh community. Not many are aware that the main body of RSS in Nagpur and outside Punjab and sent strong recommendations to the small RSS faction in Punjab to support the Punjabi suba movement. Sadly the Punjabi RSS chose to side with Arya Samajis, both of whom had unnecessary fears of the intentions of Sikhs who wanted the Punjabi Suba movement which was merely a drive to safeguard Punjabi language and culture, and not to impose Sikhism on Hindus.

What failed notice was that all are a continuation of the same Indo Vedic concept but became victims of misinformation and gossip.

There have been efforts to split Sikhism from Hinduism based on misconstrued and distorted aspects of the message of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh by some Sikhs who have been affected during the turmoil of the 1980s and the political disaster by the then ruling party. 

The entire Guru Granth Sahib teaches us to take the name of Hari, Gobind, Raghunath, Ram, Jagdish- as various names of God. Again, with no disrespect to any other religion, there is no mention in Granth Sahib to worship God using any name used in the terminology of any Abrahamic religion.

Mardana was a close friend and disciple of Nanak, but he was not a fanatic Islamist either, and was a low caste Muslim. When Guru Gobind Singh was supported by Pir Budhu Shah, or his 5000 followers- all of them were Shia Muslims who were disowned by Aurangzeb as being non Muslims. These 5000 Shia Muslims were a part of the Royal Mughal army, but were disbanded by Aurangzeb when he became the emperor. These 5000 Shias then came and joined Guru Gobind Singh. Therefore the clear message here is that the Guru were all encompassing and their main aim was to be all inclusive, eliminate caste based discrimination among humans and to treat the whole humanity as one- Vasudevan Kutumbhakan- a concept of ancient Indo Vedic followers. 

The golden temple’s foundation was laid by Muslim Fakir Mian Mir, but the name of the Gurudwara was still Har Mandir Sahib- and Hari is the commonest name of God, and mentioned most number of times in Guru Granth Sahib.

Ram was also the name prescribed by Guru- and the concept goes well beyond Lord Sri Ram Chandra to the times when Valmiki, a petty thief who at one time was asked by Sapta Rishi to recite - ‘Mara Mara’, and years later when they recovered him from inside the anthill in which he was covered, still reciting ‘Mara Mara’, to now recite it correctly as ‘Ram Ram’, and he became the revered sage Valmiki who wrote Ramayan. Lord Ram Chandra was an incarnation of Vishnu, but concept of Ram by Guru Gobind Singh goes back to pre Valmiki times when the name Ram was synonymous of Lord Almighty as suggested to Valmiki by the Sapta Rishis (7 sages- of whom Rishi Agastya was the seventh).

Sikhism was a reform movement of Hinduism and need of the hour due to the existential threat to mainstream Hinduism from external invaders. The Hindu religious fervour was replaced by casteism and blind practices at that time, and the division in Hindu society was a perfect recipe that allowed a handful of Muslim invaders to loot and plunder India. In line with that, from the 1st through to the 10th Guru, the evolution of Sikhism to Nihang Sikhs was an appropriately poised series of reforms addressed to stop the spread of fanaticism and forced conversions to Islam.

Sadly with times, the contributions of Sikhs was unsung and efforts by Sikhs to protect their heritage was instead met with fear and skepticism by others, which need not have been the case. If Sikhs had strong feelings that they were not of Hindu origin and had severed off their emotional bonds with Hindus, clearly they would have either accepted Jinnah’s supposed offer or to have an independent Sikh state. They could not have an independent Sikh state with Muslims because clearly Muslims wanted Pakistan as an Islamic state. When Sikhs were driven to Indian side, all left of Punjab was a tiny strip from Amritsar to Jalandhar. The area beyond river Satluj was never a part of Punjab as it was a part of British dominion ruled by vassal kings such as Maharaja of Patiala, Jind, Nabha and Kapurthala. After partition of India, these were called as PEPSU states- Provinces of East Punjab States Union. The original Punjab was West Punjab, and is now Pakistan. If Islam were closer to Sikhism than Hinduism, then clearly 

Sikhs would have still been flourishing in West Punjab aka Pakistan. Clearly that acceptance wasn’t shown to Sikhs at that time from the fanatics in Islam who cannot accept any moderate and true version of Islam.

The Hindu and Sikh being a collective brotherhood was obvious during the partition of India in 1947 when both Sikhs and Hindus were asked to leave Pakistan and both were murdered with equal ruthlessness by Islamic fanatics who wanted to divide the nation. No Sikh was shown any leniency in Pakistan despite the claim by some Sikhs that Sikhism is a monotheistic religion just like Islam. Because Islamists never had any doubts of the exclusive distinctiveness of their religion from Sikhism. 

It was not evident to the Sikhs that the monotheism of Sikhism was not the same as that of Islam because Sikhism believed in immanence whereby Creator and Creation are intertwined and were one and inseparable from each other, akin to the IndoVedic concept of a Single Unifying Force of Aadishakti which also finds a mention in the teachings of Sikh Gurus. This is in sharp contrast to the monotheism of Abrahamic religions where the monotheism is transcendental, meaning that Creator and Creation are separate, and God is distinctly separate and remotely controls the creation from a distance.

The olive branch that is being shown to Sikhs aggrieved and affected in the turmoil of 80s by Pakistan is welcome, but one may wonder if it is not simply with a politically driven agenda and motive. 

What will help would be for the mainstream Hindu society to understand where things have gone wrong, remove their unnecessary misconceptions about Sikhs, incorporate historical details of Sikhism and its selfless valour and sacrifices in the school curriculum, put a legal ban on jokes targeting the Sikh community or showing them in poor light in the Film, TV and social media platforms and in day to day life. 

It was Hindus only who transformed to Sikhs. That has stopped now, and Sikhs are now derived from Sikhs themselves as a progression through progeny. The need of the hour is for more Hindus to adopt the Khalsa brotherhood- especially for the eldest son of the family to be encouraged to become a Sikh, as used to be the case during and after Banda Singh Bahadur. 

At the same time, it is imperative that Sikhs worldwide understand the true message of the Guru Gobind Singh which hoped to unite all humans as one- ‘Manas kee jaat sab ek pehchanbo’, and this cannot come by severing bonds from Hinduism. Sikhs should not become victims of political driven misinformation where some vested interests put the concept of Hinduism in bad light. They should educate their children about the true aspects of Hindu-Sikh history, their common heritage, roots and principles, and the true concepts of both Hinduism and Sikhism instead of having a myopic view. Hindus and Sikhs are an inseparable part of each other, and are communities in continuity. 

It will be very useful if government policies and legislation are put in place and adopted at national and international levels to spread this message and also to discourage and convict mischievous elements who try and disrupt the Hindu-Sikh unity and brotherhood. 









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