1.#Opinion :Thursday, June 30, 2022. 20:00. 2777. 1.#How his friends’ early warnings saved Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar from ‘Sar Tan Se Juda’ threats over alleged blasphemy! : Jun 30, 2022 : R Govindankutty : Organiser : Media Report.



1.#Opinion :Thursday, June 30, 2022. 20:00. 2777.

1.#How his friends’ early warnings saved Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar from ‘Sar Tan Se Juda’ threats over alleged blasphemy! : Jun 30, 2022 : R Govindankutty : Organiser : Media Report. 


Dr Ambedkar minced no words in stating his opinions about the teachings of Mohammad, the founder of Islam, and the regressive and undemocratic nature of Islam.



Dr B R Ambedkar was known for his profound understanding of Islam that he extensively used in his writings. His monumental work, ‘Pakistan or Partition of India’ stands witness to his deep knowledge in the subject.

‘Pakistan or Partition of India’ was first published as Thoughts on Pakistan in 1940, when India was teetering on the edge of Partition.

Dhananjay Keer’s famous biography titled ‘Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Life and Mission’, the one and only authentic biography read and approved by Dr. Ambedkar, offers a glimpse into the churning process he underwent while writing the book.

“This historic book castigates the anti-reformist tendency of the Muslims. It observes that the dominating influence with the Muslims is not  democracy. The predominant interest of Muslims is religion, their politics being essentially clerical. The Muslims are opposed to social reform, and are an unprogressive people all over the world.

To the Muslims, the book states, Islam is a world religion, suitable for all peoples for all times and for all conditions. The brotherhood of Islam is not the universal  brotherhood of man. It is the brotherhood of Muslims for Muslims only. For non-Muslims, there is nothing but contempt and enmity. The Muslim has allegiance to a nation which is ruled by a Muslim; a land not ruled by a Muslim is his enemy land. The book, therefore, concludes that Islam can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his Motherland and regard a Hindu as his kith and kin. The spirit of aggression is a Muslim’s natural endowment. He takes advantage of the weakness of the Hindus and follows gangsterism,” Keer provided a summary of the book.

Dr Ambedkar minced no words in stating his opinions about the teachings of Mohammad, the founder of Islam, and the regressive and undemocratic nature of Islam. In the book, he has openly criticised Muslim fanaticism and exposed Islam’s crimes against India and the persecution of Hindus under Islamic rule.

For instance, Dr Ambedkar has quoted Kazi’s reply to Sultan Alauddin to describe the plight of the Hindus under barbaric Islamic rule: ‘They (Hindus) are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet, and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them, and make them captive, saying, ‘Convert them to Islam or kill them, and make them slaves, and spoil their wealth and property’!

“These ideas were well expressed by the Kazi in reply to a question put by Sultan Ala-ud-Din wanting to know the legal position of the Hindus under Muslim law. The Kazi said :— “They are called payers of tribute, and when the revenue officer demands silver from them they should without question, and with all humility and respect, tender gold. If the officer throws dirt in their mouths, they must without reluctance open their mouths wide to receive it…..The due subordination of the Dhimmi is exhibited in this humble payment, and by this throwing of dirt into their mouths. The glorification of Islam is a duty, and contempt for religion is vain. God holds them in contempt, for he says, ‘Keep them in subjection. To keep the Hindus in abasement is especially a religious duty, because they are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet, and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them, and make them captive, saying, ‘ Convert them to Islam or kill them, and make them slaves, and spoil their wealth and property’. No doctor but the great doctor (Hanifah), to whose school we belong, has assented to the imposition of jizya on Hindus; doctors of other schools allow no other alternative but ‘Death or Islam’.” *

Such is the story of this period of 762 years which elapsed between the advent of Muhammad of Ghazni and the return of Ahmadshah Abdalli,” quoted Ambedkar in his book.

Further, Dhananjay Keer revealed that some ‘penetrating and caustic paragraphs’ were deleted from the book at the request of Ambedkar’s close admirers. This means, the presently available volume of ‘Pakistan or Partition of India’ was subject to censorship which was imposed out of pressure from his well-wishers! According to Keer, if the book was not censored, Ambedkar would have experienced what H. G. Wells experienced at the hands of Muslims in London!

Some penetrating and caustic paragraphs describing the regressive bent of the Muslim mind, however, were deleted, it is said, at the instance of Ambedkar’s close admirers. Otherwise the author of Thoughts on Pakistan would have experienced what H. G. Wells experienced at the hands of Muslims in London,” writes the biographer.

What H G Wells experienced at the hands of Muslims in London?

South Asian working class Muslims took to the streets of London to protest against a book written by H G Wells, that allegedly contained ‘insulting remarks’ about Muhammed, the founder of Islam! The incident took place in August, 1938.

According to the Guardian of 13 August 1938, they ‘ceremoniously committed to the flames’ a copy of H. G. Wells’s A Short History of the World because of references to the Prophet Muhammad which they considered offensive. This was followed by a protest march by members of the organisation to India House, Aldwych, which accommodated the Indian High Commission in London’s West End. Contrary to the public perception that Britain’s Muslim minority began to find a voice of dissent only as recently as the 1980s, here we have evidence of a group of working-class East End Muslims marching west into the heart of London to assert their rights as Muslims and plead their cause with government officials.

In ‘A Short History of the World’, first published in 1922, a chapter entitled ‘Muhammad and Islam’, offers a glimpse into the life and teachings of Muhammad. Wells introduced Muhammad as a man of ‘very considerable vanity, greed, cunning, self-deception and quite sincere religious passion’. For wells, Quran was ‘unworthy of its alleged Divine authorship’.

Interestingly, it was Indian Muslims who cried foul over alleged blasphemy in the book, baying for the blood of H G Wells. A report says, ‘The London-based demonstrations were triggered by protests in Calcutta, which themselves had been sparked by articles in the Indian press about the offensive passages in Wells’s book, recently translated into Hindustani. Later, they spread further afield, to east Africa and Sindh province in what is now 



2.##VHP says Udaipur beheading result of religious frenzy, demands end to mediaeval concepts of Jihad :  Jun 30, 2022 : Organiser : Media Report.


The Bareilly (U.P.) Mahanagar unit of Bajrang Dal protested here against the brutal murder of the Hindu youth Kanhaiya Lal by Islamic Jihadists in Udaipur, Rajasthan and the growing radical Jihadi dogmatism in the country



Bareilly: The Bareilly (U.P.) Mahanagar unit of Bajrang Dal protested here against the brutal murder of the Hindu youth Kanhaiya Lal by Islamic Jihadists in Udaipur, Rajasthan and the growing radical Jihadi dogmatism in the country. Addressing the protesters, the Central Working President of Vishva Hindu Parishad and Senior Advocate Shri Alok Kumar said that the mediaeval concepts of Jihad so believed by a section of Muslims is spreading hatred and vitiating the harmony of Bharatiya society. These are serious challenges to world peace and humanity, which the civilized societies of the whole world together will have to resist no matter what the cost may be!

Shree Alok Kumar also demanded that the police complete investigations quickly, a fast-track court should hear the Udaipur murder case and in a period of 6 months the victim’s family should be given justice by hanging the assassins till death.

Shri Alok Kumar said in this demonstration held at Shri Krishna Leela Sthal at Lalla Market, Bareilly, that the Udaipur assassination is the result of mazhabi psychosis. The way a section of Islam understands and identifies with ‘Jihad’ is particularly treacherous and fatal. It feels that it is religiously sanctioned to attack, to slaughter and plunder non-Islamic people. The abduction and rape of women is “Maal-e-Ghanimat”. Due to such inhuman concepts, violence and unrest have been spreading in many parts of the world.

The VHP working president said that some Islamic organizations may have condemned the Udaipur incident, but as long as such concepts of Jihad continue to be promoted and spread, there will be neither peace nor communal harmony anywhere in the world. Governments will treat them as matters of law and order and act accordingly, but this is an ideological war that the entire civilised societies around the world cherishing human values, human rights, human dignity and the dignity of women have to fight. They have to raise their voice. They will have to bear the dangers of raising this voice. They may also have to pay the price.

Shri Alok Kumar also called upon the right-thinking Muslims to raise these issues and for reforms to adopt modern Human values. They will also have to ensure that the madrasas and other such institutions are not used as nurseries of terrorism.

He also said that Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal would continue to be at the forefront for the safety & security of society and valiantly combat violence any anti-national activities.

Among the protestors were VHP Mahanagar President Shri Ashu Agarwal, Working President Shri Divya Chaturvedi, Bajrang Dal’s Mahanagar Coordinator Shri Neeraj Chaurasia, Co-convenor Shri Nitin Sharma and Kewalanand Gaur and many other office-bearers and Hindu public.



3.###Opposition should not encourage violence as a form of protests : Jun 30, 2022 : Dr Duggaraju Srinivasa Rao : Organiser : Media Report.


"The current crop of dissenters, including the political ones, have thrown out all the decency to winds and are choosing highly violent means to express their dissent."


*Egged on by vested interests, protesters torched buses, trains and public properties after the Centre announced Agnipath scheme


Expression of dissent in a democracy is accepted norm and Indian Constitution has given that freedom to differ on the policies and ideology of the government of the day. Whatever for the anger may be, there is a constitutional limit for the way to exhibition of dissent as it is to be done in civilised way. That freedom was not visualised by the constitution makers as an absolute one but was expected to be done in a peaceful way. The dictum that ‘liberty to swing your fist ends just where other person nose begins’ was reminded in many instances. Unfortunately the current crop of dissenters, including political dissenters, have thrown out all the decency to winds and are choosing highly violent means to express their dissent. Unfortunately the political parties which are in the opposition are egging the dissenters to go violently to suit their political agenda. This unprovoked violence and the mass mentality is bringing disrepute to the country to the democratic values and is also resulting in the loss of property and lives of the innocents. It is unfortunate that the land which gave the path of non-violence fighting to the world is now exhibiting the violent ways because of the shortsightedness of some of the political parties.

The violent protests across the country by the Congress leaders and cadre on the Enforcement Directorate (ED) summoning Rahul Gandhi for questioning are highly condemnable. In some of the incidents the police were manhandled by the Congress leaders and there were attempts to gatecrash in to the Raj Bhavan premises. There are incidents where the houses of leaders of ruling BJP were attacked. The house of deputy CM in Bihar was attacked. In other places to stone pelting was reported on the BJP leaders. In another incident in Kerala the Congress which is demanding the resignation of the CM Vijayan has crossed the limit when it planned and encouraged its cadre to board the flight where the CM is travelling from Kannur to state capital Thiruvananthapuram and in the midflight rushed to the seat of CM and heckle him and if possible physically attack him. This resulted in violent fight between CPI(M) and Congress where the houses of the leaders and party offices of those two parties are under attack. This all-out fight, a wrong way of expression of their demand is escalating the tension in already politically charged Kerala.

"The burning of railway property by the youth in about ten states opposing the Agnipath policy of Central Government’s short-term recruitment policy for the armed forces is another classic example of violent dissent without understanding the full implication of the new policy. That Indian youth who are aspiring to join army and serve many more years rather than the very short term of four years under the proposed Agnipath has taken up the criminal action of burning the national property and thus damaging their job prospects of the future itself is unbelievable. The violent actions of the youth in their dissent against Agnipath policy certainly has the backing of the political parties."

The burning of railway property by the youth in about 10 States opposing the Agnipath policy of Central Government’s short-term recruitment policy for the armed forces is another classic example of violent dissent without understanding the full implication of the new policy

The violent protests against what BJP spokesperson Nupur Sarma said in the TV debate is another example of negativism in democratic dissent. The dissenters should have debated on facts instead of picking up stones to pelt. Whether what Nupur said was out of context or the falsehood? If she uttered a falsehood, she should be countered with the truth and that was not done by any scholar. It all boiled down that a particular historical person can’t be criticised or his life events can’t be quoted even when they are available in books just because they revere that person. We are not living in Middle Ages where people were beheaded for alleged blasphemies but this is an era of enlightened academic research, debate where facts are placed before the people to judge and follow basing on their will. Unfortunately, the liberals of India, who always talk about freedom of expression and stands by questioning of religious dogmas, chose to support the religious fanatic groups and their violent means. This is not for the first time the liberal, secular, rationalists ducked when challenged by religious fanatics. The Bangladesh writer Taslima Nasrin was attacked by the MIM legislator and his supporter in the Hyderabad press club the liberals went into silence. The absence of courage in condemning and tackling the fanatic groups and their violence by the democratic liberals in India is damaging the liberal expression tradition of Indian society.

The motivated violent dissent supported by the Congress and other opposition parties is evident in India after Modi took over the reins of the country. The frustration of their rejection by the voters in the successive elections is reflected in the violent they themselves exhibit and encourage other to turn violent. This is evident in the violence that broke in the street of Delhi during the anti-CAA demonstrations especially on the day then American President Donald Trump landed as a guest in India. The political spectrum of Congress and the Leftists are there behind the violence that was planned to erupt during the farmers’ agitation in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.

Violence in any form is against the democratic decency. But the regional parties which are controlled by leaders dictatorially are encouraging their cadre to take up violent means of not only protests but even murderous attacks on the political opponents. The classic example is the state of Bengal where the writ of Mamata Banerjee rules. Both BJP and Congress leaders convoys were attacked, damaged the vehicles through the stones pelted. Unfortunately, in the officially sponsored violence in Bengal not even the state governor, the first citizen of the state, was spared. That shows the lowest depth to which democratic decency can be taken down by these dictators ruling the states as CMs. The Telangana CM, KCR is no better when it comes to sponsoring the violent attacks on the political opponents and using the police force. The attacks on the state BJP President during his well-received padayatra by the TRS cadre, with the support of KCR and filing of cases on the BJP legislators on the flimsy ground is well documented. In the dictatorial territory of KCR the police are blind actors of political guidance emanating from KCR’s family.

What these political leaders, now encouraging the violence and destruction of the railway or some other governmental properties, forgetting that it is the national property which is destroyed in the mindless orgy. Any loss will accrue to the nation, they should also know, and not to BJP or Narendra Modi. Moreover, they should, as true democrats, know that power in democracy changes every five years and it is people who ultimately choose basing on the performance of parties. The violent street performance of party cadre and leaders can never be taken as a real political activity by the voters. The opposition parties’ directionless, failed leadership is a bane to the country and voters should understand that.









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