#"Safety of Women in India has become a major issue in India now. The crime rates against women in the country have only risen to a great extent. Women think twice before stepping out of their homes, especially at the night. This is, unfortunately, the sad reality of our country that lives in constant fear." #"Women in India have been given equal rights as men; however, people do not follow this rule. They contribute to the growth and development of our country; still, they are living in fear. Women are now on respected positions in the country, but if we take a look behind the curtains, we see even then they are being exploited. Each day we read about horrific crimes being committed against women in our country like it’s a norm."



#OPINION : 30/11/2019 : 1974


#Safety of Women in Bharatham for Students and Children :


 #1. https://youtu.be/b8iG2Gsvjac
#2. https://youtu.be/fpC5GHYic8w
#3. https://youtu.be/_Hs4uWmMoik



MyGov India added 125 new photos to the album #6MonthsOfIndiaFirst.



#Purpose of Chinmaya mission Bala Vihar : 

*1. To help children learn Values with fun,
*2. To delight like the moon and shine like the Sun.


#Gurudev’s ( Swami Chinmayananda ) Vision of Bala Vihar : 

*1. Bala Vihar is my Temple.
*2. Children are my God.
*3. Teaching is my Worship.


#"Safety of Women in India has become a major issue in India now. The crime rates against women in the country have only risen to a great extent. Women think twice before stepping out of their homes, especially at the night. This is, unfortunately, the sad reality of our country that lives in constant fear."

#"Women in India have been given equal rights as men; however, people do not follow this rule. They contribute to the growth and development of our country; still, they are living in fear. Women are now on respected positions in the country, but if we take a look behind the curtains, we see even then they are being exploited. Each day we read about horrific crimes being committed against women in our country like it’s a norm."

#Crimes against Women in India

Not a day goes by where you don’t hear of the news of a crime against women in India. In fact, there are at least five news articles that tell us about the horrific details of the various crimes. It is extremely painful to watch the status of women’s safety in India, especially in a country where women are given the stature of goddesses.

The list of crimes against women is quite long, to say the least. Acid attack is becoming very normal is various parts of the country. The criminal throws acid on the face of the victim to destroy their lives completely. Nonetheless, India has a lot of strong acid attack survivors who are battling for their lives and trying to lead their lives independently.

Furthermore, domestic violence and honor killings are very common. The wife stays in an abusive relationship because of the fear of society. The family kills their daughters in the name of honor to keep up with the reputation of their family. Similarly, female foeticide is yet another common crime. Due to the regressive thinking, people kill daughters before they are born.

The list continues as crimes against women are on the rise. Other crimes also include child marriages, child abuse, rape, dowry deaths, trafficking and many more.

#Ways to Ensure Women Safety

Although the list of crimes is very long, we can take measures to ensure women’s safety in our country. Firstly, the government must make stringent laws that ensure the punishment of criminals immediately. Fast track courts must be set so the victim gets justice instantly. This will serve as a great example for other men to not commit crimes against women.

Most importantly, men must be taught to respect women from an early age. They must consider women as equals so they don’t even think of harming them. When you consider someone inferior, you tend to oppress them. If this thinking goes away, half of the crimes will automatically end.

In short, crimes against women are stopping the growth of our country. We must not put the blame on women and ask them to be extra careful. Instead, we must ask the men to change their thinking and work to make the world a safer place for women.

Some FAQs

Q.1 What are some crimes committed against women?

A.1 Some of the crimes against women are rape, honor killing, child abuse, dowry death, acid attack, female foeticide, trafficking, child marriage and more.

Q.2 How can we ensure the safety of women in India?

A.2 One can take preventive measure to ensure women safety. Women must be taught self-defense techniques. Laws must be made more stringent relating to crimes against women. Men should be taught from an early age to respect women and treat them as equals.

NOTE : 1.

#Are our schools actually harming children with humiliation, sarcasm and caning? How can we create an NEP for kids’ safety?


As the National Education Policy gets revised, we need to make sure we aren't perpetuating a system that actually shrinks children's development but actually explores their limitless potential. Shaheen Mistry, the CEO of Teach for India, writes on how we can do this.

“It is exhausting to hear stories of canes and belts, sarcasm and duck-walking -- day after day. It is heart-breaking to see kids break down when they finally have a safe space to share.” Teach for India CEO Shaheen Mistry tells us what kind of NEP we need. (Photo: Sunil Sippy for Teach for India)
As the National Education Policy gets revised 30 years from the last time we had one, educators, policymakers and citizens alike have much to reflect on.

Let's make sure we aren't perpetuating a system that actually shrinks children's potential. And let's make sure we're pushing our own sense of possibility of the limitless potential children have. The NEP is largely silent on both of these.

#Are we putting children in small boxes and stopping their potential growth?

We take children who, by virtue of being children, are natural critical thinkers, curious, and compassionate - and we put them in schools that tell them to obey, believe without questioning, and work for exams that will get them jobs and a lifestyle that will allow them to have children who in turn will go to schools that perpetuate the same cycle.

When you observe children, across lines of income, caste, race and nationality, you will hear just one plea:

"Treat us better," children are saying.

"Do not ignore me when I put my hand up to answer in class; you see, over time, I will stop trying to question."

"Do not compare me to others; you see, over time, I will feel I am never good enough."

"Do not equate me with my exam marks; you see, over time, I will feel I learn for a 97% and I will start forgetting the power of what it means to learn."

"Do not beat me, please; over time, you see, I will internalize that it is okay to be violent with another human being."

#National Education Policy needs to protect our children

The NEP needs to take the issues of how our children are treated head-on. It needs to, at minimum, ensure that schools across our nation are not harming our children.

It needs to have dedicated sections on how children need to be respected, included and treated with care.

It needs to infuse how we treat our children into every dimension of education - a chapter in every grade on child rights, a module in every teacher training institute on child protection, clear methods of redressal for violations of child protection, awareness building for parents through PTAs, and a citizen-wide appeal to care for our children.

#We need to stop inflicting scars on our children

It is exhausting to hear stories of canes and belts, sarcasm and duck-walking -- day after day. It is heart-breaking to see kids break down when they finally have a safe space to share.

As you read this, perhaps you identify some of this with what you went through when you were in school.

Perhaps you even think, "but I turned out okay. A little sarcasm, a little humiliation, a hit here and there, it didn't really affect me."

Perhaps you feel our kids just need to learn to deal with the system, to develop the resilience to get through it and be okay.

The truth however is, that we are inflicting scars on our kids that may not always be visible, but are deeply apparent in how they learn.

The vast majority of our children do not graduate ready and committed to work to make India, and the world, more peaceful, more sustainable, and kinder.
The Draft NEP is a hopeful document; it shines with vision and idealism and brave ideas of change. It is up to us to make sure our children get what they deserve, by actively engaging with the document and filling in the blanks.

Let's create safe spaces for all our children.

Let's treat our kids better.


NOTE :2.

 #Personal Safety Education :

1. Personal Safety Education Programme (PSE) is a life skill-based module which teaches children to identify safe and unsafe situations, skills to refuse and get away from incidents of Child Sexual Abuse and seek help.

2. The programme also works with adult caregivers so that they can create a safe environment for children and respond effectively.

#Public Engagement :

1. Create awareness and sensitization through public advocacy and communication campaigns, Nationwide as we saw in Swatcch Bharat Abhiyan

2. Distress call Number 112, usage in emergency, giving mock drill to the public to create more awareness.





#Creating fear of Punishment in the criminals :







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